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Frequently Asked Questions   >   Splenda® Monk Fruit Sweeteners

Splenda® Monk Fruit Sweeteners FAQs

Where can I find the nutrition facts for Splenda® Brand Products?

The nutrition facts for each of our products can be viewed on individual product pages. Find the product you're looking for here.

Where can I find the ingredients for Splenda® Brand Products?

Ingredients for each of our products can be viewed on individual product pages. Find the product you're looking for here.

What is Splenda® Monk Fruit?

Splenda Monk Fruit is a great-tasting, plant based sweetener that’s made from Monk Fruit, also known as lo han guo – a small round fruit that grows on a vine. Monk fruit is 150-200 times sweeter than sugar.

Where does the sweetness in Splenda® Monk Fruit come from?

Splenda Monk Fruit gets its unique sweetness from the Monk Fruit.

Learn more about monk fruit by reading the International Food Information Council's overview here.

Where is Monk Fruit grown?

Monk Fruit is grown on a vine and is native to Asia, specifically China and Thailand.

Why is erythritol an ingredient in Splenda® Monk Fruit Sweetener?

Since monk fruit is over 150-200 times sweeter than sugar, only a small amount of monk fruit is needed to produce the sweetness of sugar. Erythritol provides volume and texture, making Splenda Monk Fruit easier to use.

Learn more about erythritol by reading the International Food Information Council's overview here.

What is erythritol?

Erythritol is a plant-based sugar alcohol naturally found in many vegetables and fruits like watermelon, pears & grapes. It is also produced by the human body and utilized in food and beverage formulations because of its ability to provide sweetness without calories. Erythritol has been scientifically studied for decades resulting in the World Health Organization... Read More

Does Splenda® Monk Fruit contain sucralose?

No, Splenda Monk Fruit products do not contain sucralose. Splenda products found in the traditional yellow packets or pouches are made from sucralose.

How can I be sure Splenda® Monk Fruit is safe?

The FDA has recognized that monk fruit is safe and allowed for use as ingredients in sweeteners and in foods and beverages.

Where do the carbohydrates in Splenda® Monk Fruit come from?

The carbohydrate comes from erythritol, a sugar alcohol that is absorbed by the body, but not metabolized. Each gram of erythritol has 0 calories.

Do Splenda® Brand products expire?

Splenda Brand Sweeteners are labeled with Best By dates.
When stored in a cool, dry place tabletop Sweeteners such as packets, jars, or pouches of granulated Splenda Original, Splenda Stevia, and Splenda Baking Blends will retain their sweetness and can be consumed after their best by date.

Reference dates below are how items are... Read More

Will erythritol give me a stomach ache?

Unlike most sugar alcohols, erythritol is largely not digested so GI side effects are not expected.

Where can I find studies or science about low and zero calorie sweeteners?

To view studies or to learn more about the science of sweeteners, please visit our healthcare professional web page located here.

Are Splenda® Brand Sweeteners toxic to animals?

We are not aware of any concerns for health with animals that could accidentally ingest a Splenda Product. Please check with your veterinarian if you have concerns.

Pet owners do have to be considerate of foods containing xylitol, a sweetening ingredient NOT found in Splenda Brand products (as of 9/16/20).

Where are Splenda® Brand products made?

Splenda Brand Products sold in the United States are manufactured in Indianapolis, IN. In addition, the ingredients found in Splenda Original packets and pouches, best identified by their yellow packaging, are sourced from American-grown agricultural products.

One exception are the Splenda Minis, which are made in Italy.

Can Splenda® packaging be recycled?

Please refer to the recyclability number found on the bottom of Splenda Liquid, Splenda Coffee Creamer, Splenda Diabetes Care Shakes, and Splenda Brand Sweetener jar products to see if these items are recyclable in your area. The plastic sleeves on each of these products can be removed and recycled.

Splenda Original and Splenda Stevia packets... Read More

Can Splenda® Brand Sweeteners be used in alcoholic beverages?

Yes, Splenda Brand Sweeteners can be used to sweeten alcoholic beverages.

Can Splenda® Brand Sweetener be used to replace corn syrup?

Corn syrup helps to provide sweet taste, thickness and – in baked goods – a browning effect. Most Splenda Brand Sweeteners can only provide sweetness that corn syrup offers. Splenda Allulose will thicken and brown when heat is applied, which makes it a great option.

If you prefer to use another Splenda Brand Sweetener... Read More

Can Splenda® Brand Sweeteners be used in place of simple syrup?

Yes, Splenda Brand Sweeteners can be used to make or replace simple syrups. For easy replacement, use Splenda Liquid Sweetener products in place of simple syrup in drink recipes. You can also make your own simple syrups using Splenda Brand Sweeteners - try one of these recipes to get started!

What makes Splenda® Brand Sweeteners suitable for people with Diabetes?

Splenda Brand Sweeteners contain zero calories and have no blood sugar impact. They can also help decrease unwanted calories from added sugars without sacrificing taste. Learn more here.

How can Splenda® Brand Sweeteners help with supporting health goals?

Splenda Brand Sweeteners can help decrease unwanted calories from added sugars without sacrificing taste. Including Splenda in healthier lifestyle choices including exercise and balanced food intake can help you achieve your health goals.

For Example, by using Splenda to sweeten your morning coffee, you could save over 200 calories each week*. Most adults drink (3)... Read More

Can persons who are losing or maintaining weight use Splenda® Brand Sweeteners?

Yes, Splenda Brand Sweetener Products can be used safely by everyone. Learn more here.

One exception is our Splenda Stevia Liquid w/Caffeine which, due to its caffeine content, may not be suitable for children or individuals avoiding caffeine. It has 20mg caffeine per serving.

Can children use Splenda® Brand Sweeteners?

Yes, Splenda Brand Sweetener Products, can be used safely by everyone.

One exception is our Splenda Stevia Liquid w/Caffeine which, due to its caffeine content, may not be suitable for children or individuals avoiding caffeine. It has 20mg caffeine per serving.

Can persons who are pregnant or nursing use Splenda® Brand Sweeteners?

Yes, Splenda Sweetener Products, can be used safely by everyone.

One exception is our Splenda Stevia Liquid with Caffeine which, due to its caffeine content, may not be suitable for children or individuals avoiding caffeine. It has 20mg caffeine per serving.

Do Splenda® Brand Sweeteners cause tooth decay or cause cavities?

Splenda Brand Sweetener products have significantly less potential to cause cavities than sugar.

NOTE: Splenda Sugar Baking Blend contains sugar and Splenda Brown Sugar Baking Blend contain brown sugar, in addition to sucralose.

Will Splenda® Brand Sweeteners cause headaches or migraines?

There is not current research supporting the claim that low and zero calorie sweeteners, such as Splenda, cause migraines or headaches.

Will Splenda® Brand Sweeteners cause an upset stomach?

There are no known side effects, including stomach issues, linked to Splenda Brand Sweeteners.

Do Splenda® Brand Sweetener contain formaldehyde?

No, Splenda Brand Sweeteners do not contain formaldehyde.

Do Splenda® Brand Sweeteners contain phenylalanine?

No. Splenda Brand Sweeteners do not contain phenylalanine, an amino acid found in the sweetener aspartame.

Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid found in protein sources such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy product. Persons with a very rare disease called phenylketonuria (PKU) are born with the decreased ability to process the amino acid phenylalanine... Read More

Do Splenda® Brand Sweeteners contain saccharin?

No, Splenda Brand Sweeteners do not contain saccharin. Saccharin is another no-calorie sweetener traditionally found in the pink packets.

Do Splenda® Brand Sweeteners contain aspartame?

No, Splenda Brand Sweeteners do not contain aspartame. Aspartame is another no-calorie sweetener traditionally found in the blue packets.

Do Splenda® Brand Sweeteners contain pesticides like dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT)?

No, Splenda Brand Sweeteners do not contain DDT or any other chemical pesticide.

Will consuming low or zero calorie sweeteners make me crave more sweet foods or cause me to gain weight?

No. Recent studies have shown that enjoying sweet-tasting products could in fact decrease the want for additional sweets while also adding variety and flavor to foods and beverages, helping people manage weight, reduce intake of calories from added sugars, and manage blood sugar levels.

Learn more about sweet taste and recent studies by reading the... Read More

Do Splenda® Brand Sweeteners harm the gut?

No. A thorough review in 2018 found no evidence of any negative effects on gut health from the use of sweeteners like Splenda Brand Sweetener products.

Where can I purchase Splenda® Brand Sweetener Products?

Most products are widely available at stores across the United States. Go to our Where To Buy page to find Splenda products at a store near you and at online retailers. Amazon also carries most Splenda products.

Where can I find coupons for Splenda® Brand products?

Available coupons and ibotta offers on Splenda Brand products can be found on our coupons page.

How sweet is one serving of Splenda® Brand Sweetener products found in packets, granulated pouches, or jars?

Per U.S. labeling guidelines, all sweetener products have a serving size that is equivalent to the sweetness as 2 teaspoons of sugar.
See individual Splenda Sweetener product pages for more information about serving sizes and sweetness equivalencies to sugar. You can also use our Read More

What Splenda Brand Sweetener products are Non-GMO?

Splenda Stevia Sweetener jar as well as Splenda Monk Fruit granulated packets, pouches and jar are made with non-GMO ingredients.

Are Splenda® Brand products Halal?

Yes, most Splenda Brand products are Halal Certified by the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA). Exceptions include: Splenda Diabetes Care Shakes and Splenda Minis; Splenda Monk Fruit and Splenda Allulose products are currently pending certification.

Are Splenda Brand® products Kosher?

Yes, most Splenda Brand Sweetener products are Kosher Parve. Exceptions include Splenda Coffee Creamers and Splenda Diabetes Care Shakes which are Kosher Dairy. No Splenda Brand Sweetener products are designated as Kosher for Passover.

Are Splenda® Brand products keto-friendly?

The following Splenda Brand Sweetener products are keto-friendly and contain 0g net carbs per serving:

Splenda Stevia jar
Splenda Liquid (Sucralose, Stevia, Monk Fruit)
Splenda Monk Fruit granulated packets, pouches and jar
Splenda Allulose granulated pouches and jar

Splenda Diabetes Care Shakes contain 2.5-3.5g of net carbs per bottle (French... Read More

Are Splenda® Brand Products vegan?

Most Splenda Brand products are made without animal or animal by-products. Exceptions include: Splenda Coffee Creamers, Splenda Brown Sugar Blend, Splenda Diabetes Care Shakes, and Splenda Minis.

Are Splenda® Brand Products vegetarian?

Yes, Splenda Brand products are vegetarian.

Do Splenda® Brand products contain corn?

Splenda Fiber packets and jar contain corn.
The corn-derived ingredients in Splenda Original packets and granulated pouches come from the starch fraction of corn and are highly purified ingredients, resulting in an end product that would not be expected to contain considerable amount of corn protein. However, we can’t guarantee that there are not... Read More

Do Splenda Brand® products contain shellfish?

No, Splenda Brand products do not contain shellfish.

Do Splenda® Brand products contain fish?

No, Splenda Brand products do not contain fish.

Do Splenda® Brand products contain tree nuts?

No, Splenda Brand products do not contain tree nuts.
The hazelnut flavor used in Splenda Coffee Creamers does not actually contain any hazelnut or other nut derivatives.

Do Splenda® Brand products contain peanuts?

No, Splenda Brand products do not contain peanuts.

Do Splenda® Brand products contain soybean?

No, Splenda Brand Sweetener products do not contain soybean.

Do Splenda® Brand products contain egg?

No, Splenda Brand products do not contain egg.

Are Splenda® Brand products suitable for persons with lactose intolerance?

Yes, all Splenda Brand products are suitable for persons with lactose intolerance – even those with milk-derived ingredients (Splenda Coffee Creamer & Splenda Diabetes Care Shakes).
While suitable for persons with lactose intolerance, persons with milk allergies should avoid these two products.

Do Splenda® Brand products contain milk?

Only Splenda Coffee Creamers and Splenda Diabetes Care Shakes contain milk-derived ingredients. While suitable for persons with lactose intolerance, persons with milk allergies should avoid these two products.

Do Splenda Brand Sweetener products contain wheat?

No, Splenda Brand Sweetener products do not contain wheat.

Do Splenda® Brand products contain gluten?

We do not test our finished products for the presence of gluten; however, there are no gluten containing, grain-based ingredients derived from wheat, rye, or barley, nor any ingredients derived from oats, used to produce Splenda Brand Products.

What is the Glycemic Index of Splenda® Brand Sweeteners?

The Glycemic Index (GI) of a food is a measure of how quickly a serving of food is metabolized into glucose, and therefore how it effects your blood sugar when consumed on an empty stomach. Assigning a GI value to a low and zero calorie sweeter is not a proper use of the GI concept.... Read More

What is the Glycemic Load of Splenda® Brand Sweeteners?

Glycemic Load (GL) corrects for potentially misleading Glycemic Index (GI) by combining an evaluation of the type and amount of carbohydrate consumed.

GL can vary person to person based on how their body utilizes carbohydrate. Using Splenda Brand Sweeteners in place of sugar can help to reduce the Glycemic Load (GL) of the foods you... Read More

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