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Splenda Multi-Use Syrup Tastes Great!

Splenda® Multi-Use Syrup

Splenda Multi-Use Syrup
Splenda Multi-Use Syrup
Splenda Syrup On Chicken & Waffles

Sweetness that satisfies, without the calories.

Makes your food sweetZero calories. Zero sugar.

Enjoy great tasting food without regretting the sugar and calories.

Replaces maple syrup and honey in everything!

Splenda Multi-Use Syrup Stir Fry to Smoothies

Splenda Multi-Use Syrup Biscuits to BBQ

Splenda Multi-Use Syrup Dressings to Desserts

Splenda Syrup in Drinks

Makes your drinks sweet without the calories.

Splenda Syrup on Desserts

Makes desserts sweetand delicious.

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